Past Events

Q&A with Kei Lam, comic books author
As part of the Francophonie, come meet Kei Lam, comic book author and illustrator!

Francophonie Interchamber Business Networking Mixer
19 March 6 pm
KEYZ @ Trilogy
2d business networking event on March 19, providing the opportunity to connect and build new relationships.

Planète Impro : French Improv Club
15 March 6 pm
Fringe Club
Planète Impro - spectacle d'improvisation théâtrale par le French Improv Club

Cooking Demo with Michel Lo
15 March 4 pm
Fringe Club
Come and take part in a culinary demonstration hosted by Michel Lo.
Places are limited!
During this workshop, Michel Lo will captivate us with a surprise culinary demonstration, showcasing the
significance of ingredients and creativity in the kitchen.

Concours oratoire interuniversitaire
8 March 1.30 pm
Fringe Club
Students for whom French is a foreign language are invited to express their talents in the French language!

Q&A with Vamille, manga and comic books author
5 March - 6.30 pm
AF Library - Jordan
Dans le cadre de la francophonie, venez rencontrer Vamille, autrice et illustratrice de manga et de BD !
As part of the Francophonie, come meet Vamille, manga and comic book author and illustrator!