Q&A with Kei Lam, comic books author
As part of the Francophonie, come meet Kei Lam, comic book author and illustrator!
As part of the Francophonie, come meet Kei Lam, comic book author and illustrator!
19 March 6 pm
KEYZ @ Trilogy
2d business networking event on March 19, providing the opportunity to connect and build new relationships.
15 March 6 pm
Fringe Club
Planète Impro - spectacle d'improvisation théâtrale par le French Improv Club
15 March 4 pm
Fringe Club
Come and take part in a culinary demonstration hosted by Michel Lo.
Places are limited!
During this workshop, Michel Lo will captivate us with a surprise culinary demonstration, showcasing the
significance of ingredients and creativity in the kitchen.
8 March 1.30 pm
Fringe Club
Students for whom French is a foreign language are invited to express their talents in the French language!
5 March - 6.30 pm
AF Library - Jordan
Dans le cadre de la francophonie, venez rencontrer Vamille, autrice et illustratrice de manga et de BD !
As part of the Francophonie, come meet Vamille, manga and comic book author and illustrator!
5 March - 5 pm
AF Library Jordan
Venez dessiner avec Vamille, autrice et illustratrice de manga et de BD !
As part of the Francophonie, learn to draw with Vamille, manga and comic book author and illustrator!
26 February -16 March,
Central Library
The Story of Sakana Kid, by Vamille,
A graphic novel about an aquarium fish mysteriously teleported to Tokyo's bustling streets.