Compétition de football francophone

The Consulate of France in Hong Kong and Macao, the Alliance française and the French-speaking representations in Hong Kong are joining forces to offer an amateur football competition.

The aim of this competition is to bring together the various French-speaking learners in the city and to showcase the French language programmes.

The competition will take place on March 2, 2025 at the Christian Alliance International School
33 King Lam St, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong


Pre-selection: Hong Kong and Macao 2025 inter-university oratory competition

8 Feb 2025, 10:49am - 11:49am GMT+8 Hong Kong
Inscription en ligne

Inter-university oratory competition 2025

The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao is organising the Hong Kong and Macao 2025 Inter-university Oratory Competition

The Oratory competition aims to promote the French language and highlight Women in the Francophonie.

Students for whom French is a foreign language are invited to express their talents in the French language!


Journée internationale des professeurs de français

21 Nov 2024, 6:15pm - 9:00pm GMT-12 International Date Line West
AF Library, Jordan Centre

Jeudi 21 novembre, 18h15
Médiathèque de Jordan

A l'occasion de la Journée Internationale des professeurs de français, #JIPF : conférence-atelier animée par David Cordina, suivie d'un cocktail dînatoire pour les profs de FLE


Mercredi de la formation : Cinema & FLE, 2 pm - 4 pm

Wednesday 25 of September, 2 pm - 4 pm

Get ready for the Animation Festival and the Hong Kong French Film Festival with L'Alliance Francaise!


Mercredi de la formation : Cinema & FLE, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Wednesday 25 of September, 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

Get ready for the Animation Festival and the Hong Kong French Film Festival with L'Alliance Francaise!


BELC régional Hong-Kong 2024

du 17 au 21 juin 2024
AFHK  Library, Jordan Centre

Avec France Education International, troisième université régionale BELC à Hong Kong 2024



Events On Trend 

Un festival à HK !

Découvrez la langue française et le monde francophone à travers des conférences, des formations, des concerts, des séances de cinéma...

Discover French language and the french speaking countries through conferences, training, music, theater, literature and cinema ! 

Quatre pays à HK!

Nous célébrons la langue française avec la Belgique, le Québec au Canada, la France et la Suisse. 

We celebrate French language with many French-speaking countries, such as : Belgium, Québec in Canada, France, and Switzerland.

C'est quoi la Francophonie ?

La Francophonie désigne l'ensemble des personnes et des institutions dont le français est la langue  première, langue d'usage ou langue administrative. 

The Francophonie is the whole body of people and organisations around the world who use the French language regularly for private or public purposes


Le festival

Le festival a lieu au mois de Mars mais différents événements peuvent avoir lieu également durant l'année. 


Latest News & Updates 

Compétition de football francophone

The Consulate of France in Hong Kong and Macao, the Alliance française and the French-speaking representations in Hong Kong are joining forces to offer an amateur football competition.

The aim of this competition is to bring together the various French-speaking learners in the city and to showcase the French language programmes.

The competition will take place on March 2, 2025 at the Christian Alliance International School
33 King Lam St, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong


Pre-selection: Hong Kong and Macao 2025 inter-university oratory competition

8 Feb 2025, 10:49am - 11:49am GMT+8 Hong Kong
Inscription en ligne

Inter-university oratory competition 2025

The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao is organising the Hong Kong and Macao 2025 Inter-university Oratory Competition

The Oratory competition aims to promote the French language and highlight Women in the Francophonie.

Students for whom French is a foreign language are invited to express their talents in the French language!


Journée internationale des professeurs de français

21 Nov 2024, 6:15pm - 9:00pm GMT-12 International Date Line West
AF Library, Jordan Centre

Jeudi 21 novembre, 18h15
Médiathèque de Jordan

A l'occasion de la Journée Internationale des professeurs de français, #JIPF : conférence-atelier animée par David Cordina, suivie d'un cocktail dînatoire pour les profs de FLE


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